This is a small, but best collection of famous quotes and sayings. If you are searching for famous quotes or popular sayings by famous people, you've reached the right place.

The quotes and saying you find on this website are handpicked and are the best in each category. There are several categories listed below and each category presents the most famous quotes by famous personalities. You too can submit a quote.

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Love Quotes

most worst thing in this world is love....................... 


Friendship Quotes

When life falls your best friend catches it 


Inspirational Quotes

this is just a quote to know the working of quotes in inspiration quote 


Shivratri Quotes

"Lokaha Samasthah Sukhino Bhavanto" - Oh Lord of the Lords grant peace & prosperity to the entire mankind. Show the correct and right path to each & every human being in this universe. 


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