Banjo Emerson gravatar
Name:Banjo Emerson
Total Submissions:2
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Most Active Category:New Year SMS - 2 Message(s)

Given below are all the SMS messages contributed by our user Banjo Emerson.

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  • happy new year to all

      Life has no Pause Buttons. Dreams have no Expiry Date. Time has No Holiday. So don't waste a single moment in your Life.
      Live it!
      Love it!
      Rock it!
      A very happy New Year

    • be smiling

        On this New Year:
        May you change your Direction and not the Dates;
        Change your Commitments and not the Calendar;
        Change your Attitude and not the Actions;
        Change your Actions and not the Focus;
        Change your Warmth and not your Love;
        And may you create for you and your loved ones the most Happy New Year ever!