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Name:angel star
Total Submissions:3
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Most Active Category:Friendship SMS - 1 Message(s)

Given below are all the SMS messages contributed by our user angel star.

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      1-Never make noise in the class bcoz others r sleeping , 2-be absent 2 keep the campus clean, 3-always take books it act as pillow , 4-never come early to class,no one will notice u........Njoy school life........

    • who started first?

        Teacher;u've 2 aim for 90% marks
        Tintu;dont worry i'll get hundred%marks
        Teacher;r u joking?
        Tintu:who started first?!!

      • my friendship

          my friendship is not a moon,not a sun,not a star bcoz they all disappear sometimes and my friendship is like sky which will always be watching u...........