Jainam v. doshi gravatar
Name:Jainam v. doshi
Total Submissions:2
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Most Active Category:Good Morning SMS - 1 Message(s)

Given below are all the SMS messages contributed by our user Jainam v. doshi.

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  • F.E.A.R. has 2 meaning

      F - forget

      E - everything

      A - and

      R - run


      F - face

      E - everything

      A - and

      R - rejoice

      now the choice is yours

      good morning...

    • Sardarji lisence

        3 Sardarji meet at cafe after suffering from forest fight from 4 lion
        first sardarji told i had shoot 4 bullets in air all lion get away.
        second sardarji told i had shown a gun all lion get away.
        third sardarji told i had shown a gun license all lions get away.